1. It is preferable to wash your hair sitting down, because when we stand, the heat created inside the shower increases body temperature, veins dilate and, as a result, circulation slows down. Moreover, when we wash our hair standing up, the earth’s attraction pulls it even more downwards. These are the first reasons for hair loss. Wet hair is much weaker and more fragile compared to when it is dry, so any wrong movement and pressure on it will cause it to fall out. Finally, when hair is wet and combed in the shower, it does not return to its position but remains stretched.
2. It is not recommended to massage the scalp too violently during washing. Movements that are too aggressive and fast can break or weaken the hair, if not actually pull it out from the root.
3. When hair is wet, its weight increases three times more than when it is dry.
4. When we wash our hair with shampoo and massage it violently, we think we are washing it correctly, we think we are eliminating dirt and excess sebum, but, in reality, with these movements we are only damaging the scalp, the length, and the skin because when the hair is wet, it is more fragile. So in this position, any aggression causes hair loss.
5. Washing hair with hot water causes weakening of the follicles in addition to drying out the skin. Generally, the scalp produces oil, and by always washing it with hot water, we only promote an increase in sebum on the scalp because when it is washed with hot water the skin dries out and produces more oil.
6. Before shampooing, the hair should be wetted and the shampoo emulsified in the hands before applying. Apply it to the scalp and massage gently in a circular motion. It is not necessary to use shampoo on the lengths because it will automatically fall on it.
7. Conditioner or mask should only be applied to the lengths, leave it on for 3/5 minutes and then rinse it off. Do not apply it to the scalp.