

Leila Pasar

My name is Leila Pasar, and I was born in the north of Iran, raised in Tehran. From a young age, I showed a keen interest in personal care, particularly in the female gaze. This passion has deep roots in Persian culture, with teachings handed down from generation to generation, dating back to antiquity, through the centuries of one of the oldest civilizations in the world.

After earning my first degree in Iran, I began to travel for work, reaching Dubai, where I held roles of responsibility in a multinational food sector company. During a vacation in Italy, I immediately fell in love with the country’s rich culture and made the decision to move here, undertaking studies for my second degree in modern language and literature.

It was in Italy that I perceived a gap that I could fill. I noticed that the topic of eyebrows was approached superficially, despite its significance. This insight drove me to delve deeper into the study of natural eyebrow care techniques, such as threading and henna coloring, practices widely spread in my Persian culture. But my research did not stop there; I continued to deepen my studies, using my language skills and studying the different facets of the subject in various countries. I specialized more and more in natural and non-invasive but highly effective solutions. Continue reading…

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Leila Pasar products offer a natural solution that you won't be able to live without: incredible effectiveness that comes from nature, becoming an essential ally in your beauty routine.​


One of the most significant advantages of Leila Pasar products is the quality of raw material extraction through a process called Microtechnic, which creates a minimal molecular size that facilitates and speeds up the skin’s absorption, ensuring deep penetration.